Music Video Idea 1

After scouting for different songs I could use I remembered a song called Warm Water By Banks, however I preferred the Snakehips Remix to the original. Banks is an American singer producing songs in the alternative R&B, pop, and 'trip hop' genres. She is most famously known for her single 'Beggin for Thread'. Furthermore, Snakehips is a British band whom started out doing remixes for Banks, The Weeknd and more. Their most recent single Cruel featuring Zayn peaked at number 33 in the UK charts.


This particular remix is both upbeat and relaxing. It's not your typical dubstep, EDM music that most people tend to associate the word remix with. It stays true to the style of the song and the genre it falls into. When I listen to this song, images of flashing lights, paparazzi, fashion runways come to mind, almost similar to Madonna's Vogue. I get a theme of Avant Garde with modern lighting effects and editing techniques.

My idea for a video is performance based. The video would feature a solo female artist representing Banks. My main concept is for the artist to be singing in a pitch black room while being lit by different kinds of lighting methods. The video would feature close ups and long shots of the artist singing. My intentions for using these lighting features are to create aesthetically pleasing and mysterious shots where the modern style matches the modern remix of the track.
Extreme long shot: The simplistic lighting effect of colourful led lights against a black background.

Close up: This lighting effect was created by having a slit of light created by a flashlight cast upon the face. The effect was then duplicated on photoshop. 

An extreme long shot: This was created by a flashlight and duplicated on photoshop. This effect could be replicated simply by using a disco ball or a reflective object.

Referring to the runway and catwalk images, having the artist on a turning table while singing for some shots would be effective and good for editing purposes. The artist could be on the turntable with spotlights on them against a black background, which could then be effective using jumpcuts. The video could also feature background dancers posing in 'Vogue' positions to add an extra element.  
A turning table which the artist would stand on
  Similarly I like the idea light panning across the face. I recently saw an experiment where it looks at angles of lighting have an effect on the face. I thought this effect would look really dramatic and mysterious in the music video.

I would also like to experiment with different colours and silhouettes. This is becoming a popular trend in music videos to have silhouettes and bright LED colours together or on their own. In particular it is frequently used in the 1975's music video for their single 'Ugh!' which I took inspiration from:

Furthermore, this msuic video also uses multiple jumpcuts and lighting effects which look really effective against the black background.
The video cuts from shots with silhouettes to fully lit shots. The bright colour scheme matches the modern style that I intend. There are bold lighting effects which are emphasised against the black background and show the silhouettes of the artists infront of it.

The video will open with a DJ during the murmuring of the crowd, as if the number is about to start and people are warming up. He will have a turntable and headphones.
                                                                                                           ,                                                                       To add different sets and elements, the colour schemes, silhouettes and bold lighting effects will be a substitute for set changes. More elements include the DJ and the backup dancers.

a close up: the colour scheme of the neon lights lighting his face

the silhouettes within the black background. 

I also considered having another element of the singer walking around a town at night. She is walking to a party or a bar. This would be the narrative element to the video and will change up the shots so that the video doesn't get repetitive and meaningless.

As I had previously mentioned I want this to revolve around an Avant Garde theme where the effects of this video are experimental and bold. These match the style of the modern track, as being quite an alternative piece to what you would normally hear. Similarly, this also matches the star image of Banks herself. As viewers see her as an alternative and abstract woman. She is not constructed as a typical pop star would be and presents herself to be a more mysterious figure than a pop idol


