Feedback from pitch

After pitching our treatment, we received some constructive feedback to help develop our ideas further.

We were told that: the neon ball would be a difficult structure to build. Perhaps we should consider creating the ball physically or in post production. 

for the wheel: how would we turn the wheel, physically or in post production? If physically, this would be a very expensive as it is an interactive tube and would have to be incorporated more into the video than we planned.

 If via post-production, if we turn the entire image, there would be sections of the frame missing as the ratio is not a perfect square. However, I suggested using the photoshop technique called cinemagraphs, where one part of the video moves whilst the rest remains still. 

I looked a bit further into this method and how to do it. I found that this would be easy for me to do on photoshop. 

We would also need to be very careful with our casting. We would need a confident, sassy girl to be able to pull it off. We will perform test shootings with girls to access their performances before shoot day. 
We should also incorporate the male more into the video

Finally, the 3 screens next to each other would not fit in the studio, therefore we must shoot them separately and put them together in post production.

