Thinking about the Target Audience

For my groups artist, we have decided the target audience to be 16-21 females. The artist is a confident, feminine figure similar to present artists such as Beyonce and Ariana Grande. She carries a sassy and rebellious attitudes in her song and in our video concept. The artist also is good looking and young, similar to the age of 16-21. We believe that this particular audience will like her because she is popular, young, confident and a modern figure to look up to. Although the music is from the late 90's, we are bringing the song into a modern context and setting through the video. Our idea includes modern features such as commercial dancing and neon lighting.

Our artist also appeals to males, as the media has constructed her as a very sexy and feminine image. However, her feminism and empowerment attracts more to females, as they can see her as a role model.

