Discussion with Polydor records

Polydor is a British record labels and company, working under Universal Music Group. They remain as one of the strongest labels in the country - producing music videos for a range of artists from Ellie Goulding to the 1975

Two ladies from Polydor came in to talk to us about making music videos within the industry.  Their jobs were to commission music videos - meaning to oversee the process between the artist and director, and to predict any problems down the line. This process includes meeting the artist, discussing the video, developing artists on how they see themselves and how a marketing team can present them. 

They explained that producing the music video begins with a brief of the themes for the video.  They will then go to 5-10 directors for the video (depending on the budget) and match the artist with a director who they think will deliver the treatment to screen the best. This treatment should be very visual so that everyone should be really clear of the end product. Polydor claimed that they would work with any director who executes the final end product well. They believe that what makes a great director is someone who is always developing. The company is constantly looking and working with new directors to give them opportunities, as well as bringing a fresh style and taste to the table.

The ladies stressed that on shoot day, communication is very important. The shoot lasts normally around 1-2 days, most shot in London. However, they have shot a few in LA, Bulgaria, Denmark etc. 
A shot list in particular is an important communication tool, which is most beneficial to the artist/director and gives a structure to the video.
Polydor's advice to us when producing music videos is to make sure that everything is covered. Make sure to take lots of different angles and shots. 

