Types of Thriller Sub-genres

Thriller is a genre that uses excitement, suspense and tension as its key elements.

Aviation: A thriller that is set on an air flight, or any action against forces such as storms or gravity. This sub-genre is particularly thrilling, because it takes a very common fear (airplanes) and adds more suspense and excitement to them. The audience also feel that sense of entrapment as all of the action is taking place where they can't escape. Storms or Gravity can be included in a thriller as it's inevitable and they are two things that humans cannot control at all.
For example, Last Flight.

Conspiracy: The protagonist must confront a large powerful organization who he sees as a threat.

Comedic: A parody version of a thriller, this includes all the iconography of a thriller, but with a comedic twist. Unlike other thrillers, comedic thrillers are harder to predict what will happen next. For example, Austin Powers and Airplane (an aviation comedic thriller)

Crime: Focuses from crime, usually from the criminals POV. Includes physical action and police investigations.

Disaster: Focus on a natural disaster. In which the protagonist tries to stop the disaster or avoid maximum damage.

Eco thriller:
The protagonist faces a threat to the environment, (man-made or natural) which will have consequences for society if left unchecked.

Forensic thriller: The protagonist are forensic scientists who's involvement in an unsolved case threatens their lives.  

Legal: The protagonist is a lawyer in a courtroom, whose case they have taken threatens their clients or their own life.

Medical: involves something usually used for medical purposes, that has been turned into a deadly weapon. Often it is a virus that is leaking out to the public. The protagonist or antagonist or both, are doctors.

Mystery thrillers: Both mystery and thriller. Mystery but fast paced.

Political Thriller: The protagonist is employed by the government to stop the decline of the governmental systems. Usually the protagonist has a low status prior the employment

Paranormal/Supernatural: Thrillers that bring in an 'out of this world' element. Often the villain/protagonist has some sort of supernatural ability.

Psychological Thriller: In this subgenre a lot of the conflict is mental rather than physical. The protagonist has become involved in a dangerous situation which literally threatens their sanity. They must use mental prowess to overcome their opponent, whether the battle is inside their own head or it a battle of wits.
The poster for the film shows Natalie Portman with white facial makeup, black-winged eye liner around bloodshot red eyes, and a jagged crystal tiara.

us: Includes history/myths of religion. Usually a religious artifact or historical secret is discovered, and different people and groups vie for control.

Romantic: Thriller/Romance crossover, the plot contains the typical thriller expectations: suspense, excitement, fear. However the plot focuses on the relationship(s) between a couple.

Survivalist: Disaster has struck upon some/all people. And toughness and skill are key to survival.

Spy: Thrillers with a highly adventurous field agent setting. Usually in a government conspiracy, war, or corrupt organisation.

Techno-thrillers: (Technology thrillers) Crossover of near future science fiction and thriller. Advanced technology is a key element in this sub-genre, in which the protagonist desires to obtain/possesses/wants to eradicate. 

