First creative meeting

Today we discussed further developments of our music video idea. We decided that we would use the song "Are you that somebody' by Aaliyah

  • We discussed different elements of what we would do in the music video
  • We categorised it into three different elements 
  • We discussed having a neon ball which the singer inside and having multiple poses.
    We considered using a 360 rig around the ball, so we can shoot footage where the girl stands and poses

We also discussed using a tube contraption in which the singer would sit in and pose. This will be lit with a white washed light at the back of the wheel.
We also spoke about using screens and having the singer and dancers posing behind the screens

We liked my idea of incorporating the light show with the 90's vibes. Our aim is to bring a 90's song into a modern day setting by using modern devices in the video.

