Audience Profiling

Audience Profiling is a very important factor to consider for the success of our music video. It simply defines the audience by segmenting them through demographical and psychographical methods.

Defining the audience is useful for institutions and companies to metciulously see how audiences are constructed. So that rather than viewing audiences as a mass or number, companies can find a way to separate audiences into 'categories'.

The first approach is called Demographic Segmentation. This is where audiences are split according to various social factors such as gender, class, race and sexuality. The most common approach is through the JICNAR scale. This scale is determined by salary, skill and education, and regularly used by large companies such as John Lewis and Warner Bros. An example of it's application onto the media is that adverts shown on TV mid-day will be suited to housewives, and not high end business men.

However, the JICNAR scale has been distorted and oudated. Manual labour jobs sometimes make more money than academic jobs. Plumbers, electricians etc. acquire a skill in which very little people can do at all. This means they can charge more, knowing that customers would have to use them. Furthermore, jobs such as sewage and skyscraper window cleaning are highly paid, as no one wants to do them.

Additionally, the JICNAR scale isn't useful for certain products. For example, it doesn't take the younger generation into account.

The second approach is called Psychographic Segmentation. Also known as Lifestyle profiling, this approach places various attitudes, values, beliefs into categories in order to predict consumption. The system they use is called VALS (values and attitudes lifestyle classification system). One example of this is the batman vs superman (2016) poster shown in I AM LEGEND (2007), Warner Bros knew that consumption would be best in 2016 from back in 2007.

