Updated pitch

Today we had the chance to fully pitch our idea through our treatment. We spoke about our updated version of the neon ball, now a neon cube.

However, we must consider the fact that this is a popular element to do.

Furthermore, when other lights are involved to light the room, the effectiveness of the cube will significantly drop. This is because neon lights don't work well in a lit space.

We discussed having the same concept but in a different shape. For example, having 8 neon lights standing alone in a row:

We also spoke about the setting around the cube. Although we were to have a pitch black surrounding, if we go forth with the lit idea, all we would see is the studio. We used this image as an example to say that although lit, the image is still interesting as it's deliberately set in an industrial environment with a lit table and chair. We must therefore consider how we will do the cube.

We also spoke about the wheel. We discussed using trace against the back of the wheel and how we may be able to build it.

With the screens, we may be able to have 3 screens together but most likely we will shoot one and assemble them together in post. 

We also discussed the rapper element. We talked about perhaps shooting some footage of the rapper in a big leather chair with the dancers or the singer. We will talk about this in further detail. This is so that we have more footage than we think we need, and therefore, have more possibilities to play with in post. 

We also touched on the pink background element. This may not be effective as much as we believed. The theme of the video includes mysterious neon lighting and silhouetting. This would be juxtaposed with a poppy light pink background and may look out of place. We will either develop this element or scrap this completely.

