Dance Rehearsals

We asked Lottie to help us choreograph the dance element. We showed her a video as inspiration, played her the song and explained to her the style we are going for to fit the R&B genre. We want to make sure that it can be done easily, in heels and in a confined space.

We are very thankful for Lottie to help us out. Although she included walkovers and other very full on difficult tricks, we discussed that we can tweak these and remove/replace them with another move.

We practiced this dance in the only slot where it was available. In the video, Nandi and Eden are at the back, whilst the three girls at the front are not in our music video. This was during one of Lottie's classes, but taught the class the dance and continued to choreograph.

We made sure to film this process so that Maddy, who was unfortunately not available to attend, can learn the dance and for the dancers to refer back to for practice.

Overall we are happy with the choreography, we just need to turn it down but maintaining the energy and style of the piece. We will remove the walkovers and tricks as it can't be done in heels in a 12x12ft set. We want the dancers to be in sync, therefore we want it to be as easy for them as possible.

This is the video we showed to Lottie and refer to as inspiration:

