Lighting meeting with the Designer

We met the lighting designer, George, who would be helping us to choose and set up our lighting for our videos. This was an important meeting for us, as the foundation of our idea is based of specific lighting.

We were told we must think about the dimensions of our wheel. This is so they know how big it needs to be. We would preferably like it life size so that she can dance in the wheel standing up. The depth should also be considered as they will be dancing in it.

Furthermore, we were told that we could not have the neon writing, as this would be thousands of pounds to create. 

The only lighting they currently have are a few blues, reds, and whites. However, they did tell us that they could order more in. They showed us a website called enscapsulite, which is where they order the lights from.

We spoke about colouring and having a blend of blue and pink. 
They showed us the available colours, to which we must now go away and consider which exact options we want them to order.

We were looking at the two lightings in the image above. The blue one on the first floor and the green on the third floor. We attempted to match up the lights with the colours on the palette.  We believe the blue to be ice blue, but it may be sky blue. The green we believe is the chrome green, as the green on the ground floor looks very much like leaf green. One thing we are concerned with is that the 'chrome green' may in fact be the ice blue. we don't want to order 15 lights and find that it is the wrong colour. We will do a test on the lights the school already possess.

