Updated Timeline

After discussing different aspects and changing ideas around. Amr made us another timeline with updated information. The writing in italics are the updated information.

Time (minutes : seconds)
What happens?
·      00.15 - 00.28
Extreme Close up of Man’s Lips. Shots of him sitting in a big arm chair . Neon sign saying ‘Are You That Somebody’ cuts in-between the shot of the man.
·      00.28 – 00.29
Singer grasps the neon tubes, close up on hand.
·      00.29 – 00.57
She is walking through and interacting with a row of staggered neon tubes (standing vertically). This is the first element. Different angles used to keep it interesting. The room will be lit by the neon tubes in the row.  Quick cuts of the silhouette wheel  with no one in it.
·      00.57 – 1.04
Silhouette wheel, she is posing inside of it, this is the second element. Performing
·      1.04 – 1.11
It goes to her dancing in and around the neon tubes (standing vertically) , she is  performing in it.
·      1.11 – 1.17
Silhouette wheel she is performing in it and dancing (commercial jazz)
·      1.17 – 1.24
She is in front of the neon tubes, a fan is blowing her mesh skirt dramatically around the tubes.
·      1.24 – 1.30
Singer behind the screen, this is our third element.
·      1.30 – 1.32
 Jump cuts of screen. The song says ‘Sleep, Sleep, Sleep’. In the first ‘Sleep’ the singer will be behind the screen; in the second ‘Sleep’ the dancers will be behind the screen and in the third ‘Sleep’ the singer and dancers will be behind the screen.
·      1.32 – 1.39
Silhouette wheel she is performing in it and dancing (commercial jazz),  The dancers are in the wheel too.
·      1.39 – 1.46
Singer moving  through the rows  of neon tubes. Her skirt is now blowing at full force.
·      1.46 – 1.52
Back to the screens, with the singer and dancers, posing and dancing behind it.
·      1.52 – 2.07
Close –up of the singer, shoulder up. She sings this part looking at the camera.
·      2.07 – 2.19
Zooms out at 2.07, to reveal her dancers beside her, she continues singing as they all dance a choreographed commercial jazz dance.
·      2.19 – 2.21
It comes back to the man’s lips rapping
·      2.21 – 2.23
Cuts to the singer in the wheel
·      2.23 – 2.26
Man on the chair smoking a cigar, shot of his lips.
·      2.26 – 2.33
Singer is in the neon tube rows, again performing
·      2.33 – 2.36
It comes back to the male rapper, the female singer interacts with him , however she still maintains her dominance and power.
·      2.36 – 2.41
Silhouette wheel, she is posing inside of it, this is the second element. Performing
·      2.41 – 2.43
Back to the screens, with the singer and dancers, posing and dancing behind it.
·      2.43 – 2.46
Close up of her singing, this part.
·      2.46 – 2.54
Her dancers beside her, she continues singing as they all dance a choreographed commercial jazz dance.
·      2.54 – 3.09
Recap off all the scenes, a compilation of all the elements. Quick cuts. Cuts of the rapper, singer, dancers and all the different environments.
·      3.09 – 3.15
Close up of her singing, this part. Ends with the neon sign saying ‘Are You That Somebody’.

