Final Storyboard

This is the final storyboard. It shows all the shots we drew from start to the end of the video. Overall there are 63 shots each showing details and angles that we will shoot with on the day. This is a vital step up for making the entire process smoother during production.

I think that Amr has done a fantastic job in creating the storyboard. He has visually captured the ideas that the 3 of us contributed and clearly represented how we want it to look chronologically. The colouring also helps us to understand what works well together, and what type of shots will work out. Amr has begun to show the star image of our music video. Through the mise-en-scene of his drawings, it is clear that this artist is synthetic and is suited for females aged 16-25. This artist also visually obtains a sex appeal, shown through how her figure is displayed. This will attract young boys of 16-25.

