Testing the lights on the singer
We were fortunate to find a slot where we could quickly find time to see if the lighting worked on our singer and the camera combined. We were originally meant to do two tasks separately.
The lighting looked good on the singer. We used the purple and the sky blue. We want to go lighter however. We suggested that it may be a possibility to order one of the iced blue and pink and try them, before we go and order a mass load.
On the camera however, there is a confliction with the exposure. We need the exposure brightened for the singer to be seen, however we need it lower for the coloured lights to be seen. You can see their overexposure through the zig zagged lines on the camera.
However, we think we have found a solution to the problem. we will add extra white lights so that we can turn down the exposure on the camera, whilst the singer will still be seen. We want the girl to be mysterious, however, I find personally when watching something very underexposed, it is frustrating to try and work out the scene. The colouring has less effective with the white lights, however this shouldn't be a problem with 16 of these coloured lights.
We held one of the white fluorescent lights like a boom mic above the singer. This was effective. If we had more lights like this, our problem should likely be sold.