Qualitative and Quantitative research

 Qualitative research is exploratory research, which requires in depth answers and allows the researcher to collect more data. These are open questions, where the question allows a bigger and richer answer instead of a simple yes/no. We can conduct this through an unstructured or semi-structured interview. 

Quantitative research is numerical research, which can be measured. These include closed-questions, which are simple yes/no answer. These can require more answers, as they are quicker and easier to conduct. However, these are more difficult to analyse in depth as we have lost the rich detail we gain in qualitative data. 

We will use both quantitative and qualitative research to collect feedback for our rough cut. Saskia has created a questionnaire which includes both open and closed questions. The closed questions will be simple yes/no answers, which will allow us to tally up and look at the frequencies of the data. Our open questions will allow us to view a more in-depth answer. 

