Improving the digipak

After receiving feedback for our digipak draft, we decided that we need something different with the album. Our audience responded with suggesting that there is 'too much of the artist' and that we should replace the inside covers with a different design.

We finally decided to incorporate props and costume elements used in the music video by having another mini photoshoot with close ups of the object. We decided to use the emerald ring and the white mesh skirt that our artist is seen wearing on the digipak front cover. These objects become a part of her identity, supporting Dyer's star theory that she is a construction, and these are now her iconography.

 We decided to use the ring as a 'template' for where the CD would be placed. We thought this would be an aesthetic that would present our star to be neat and crisp. It presents the CD to be quite extraordinary and personal, as its associated with being placed with her ring in an intimate close up. This supports Dyer's star theory paradox that the artist is absent and present at the same time.

Additionally, we wanted to push this feeling of intimacy and closeness to her fans through a love letter. We knew we needed something to fill the inner cover on top of the mesh skirt. Amr therefore wrote a love letter in a handwritten font, and placed it in a crisp white colour.

We also realised we needed a banner which would blend into the digipak. We therefore blended the two new elements of the skirt and ring and place them in the corners. This acts like a glimpse to the audience as to what is inside the digipak. We added her iconic signature in the centre, so fans can immediately recognise her brand. 
