Smaller focus group

After conducting an audience feedback session with a large group, we collectively decided that another group audience feedback session needed to be done. This is so we could get more in-depth, responsive and and clearer answers in addition to our current. We conducted this smaller session on a smaller party of 3 girls. Saskia reconstructed the questions so that they were more clear in what we were asking. This included:

Digipack – 
Closed questions: 
1)    Do you think the poses we use represent female empowerment? 
2)    Would you change the Digi-pack and have more than just her feature? 
3)    Would you say our Digi-pack gives out the R&B feel? 
4)    Do you believe hard-copied digi-packs are still regularly used and brought? 
Open questions:
1)    What represents the genre of R&B for you? 
2)    What would you change on our digipack? 

Music Video – 
Closed questions: 
1)    Was the genre clear throughout? 
2)    Did we use the female and the rapper in a good way, or did we overuse one whilst underusing the other? 
3)    Did the video hold your attention from start to finish? 
Open questions: 
1)    Which element do you think should star the most?
2)    Why would you have the dancers star more? 
3)    If you could would you change the rappers position in the video more (i.e.  incorporate him more) 

Overall Campaign: 
1)    Does the colour scheme match the R&B genre? 

2)    Is the campaign a useful insight into this artists brand/overall image?

Audience feedback is very important for our campaign as it shows us what we need to improve and how our target audience of 16-25 react to our artist. 

