More problems with Dancers

After our emergency rehearsal, we were happy with the solution of Eden and Alice together, Alice stepping into Maddy's role. However, later today, we found out that Eden had caught the same illness as Maddy, and likewise was not able to perform tomorrow.

We therefore had to act very quickly. We were fortunate that this news came at a time when the school dance company was on. This meant we could go and find another backup dancer for Eden. We picked Charlotte, as she performs well with the same style of dance, and we has a similar height and look to Alice.

 We ran another emergency rehearsal in which Alice taught Charlotte the dance. Unfortunately, as we did not have enough time to teach Alice the original dance we had worked on. We left it to the girls to choreograph new movements, having hopes in them that it will look really effective especially in silhouettes. Luckily, Charlotte was also the same size as Eden and could fit into her costumes and shoes.

Despite the shooting schedule, we told the girls to come in at 8:30am tomorrow. This is so we could deal with any potential problems and get their makeup done, whilst they practice the dance and choreograph some new bits.

