Updates on set

We quickly checked into the studio to see how construction was going. The wheel was completed, it had been painted black, with a frame around it to support its size and strength, and a double layer on the base for extra support for the singer. We discussed with the set designers about the problem of trace. This problem was recently brought up, in which they explained to us that they didn't have enough trace to fit a 6.1ft diameter. We discussed other materials that could be used, such as fabric, however, this was extremely thin and you would be able to see the lights behind it. The issue with different materials is that they diffuse light differently, and would therefore have a different effect. We ended up deciding to use regular paper, which diffused the lighting well.

We were to pull a big black curtain and drape it over the wheel, so that the background is pitch black.

We then looked at the lights. This will be set up after the wheel on the shoot day. We are extremely happy with the colours we picked for the lighting and they blend together really well. 
 we were skeptical about these colours at first, because you cannot see what they will look like in real life until they get here. But we are happy to have chosen pink and iced blue. These colours will match the colour scheme and play with the conventions of boy vs girl very well in the video. 

