Looking at lighting

We wanted to take advantage of the time we had and look at some lighting possibilities for the wheel. With George, the lighting designer, we played around with different colours and gobos. We originally wanted a white light, but then decided that this didn't match the colour scheme and turned out more yellow through the paper.

Instead we looked at different moving lighting, such as rainbows and dots. We found that one some of these colours, the paper would diffuse them into looking stripy. We didn't like this effect so we discard the possibilities of those.

We liked the plain blue colour, along with the dotted pink. We think that these will go together well and give a soft light against the silhouette. They also match the conventions of our video, as they support our overall colour scheme of pinks and blues.

We also looked at rainbow colours, however, we decided this didn't suit the video and was a bit too childish. On the other hand, we did like the swirl gobo effect, in which we decided if we have time on the shoot day we will add that as well and get some shots with that effect.

