Role of Cameraperson

In preparation for the shoot day, we had selected roles in which we needed to allocate to each individual of our group. The roles were Director, Cameraperson, Art Director, Producer and Sound/Lighting desk. I was allocated the role of Cameraperson.

To prepare for this role, I did some research into what it means to be a cameraperson on music video sets and the responsibilities that I must take on.

The overall job of a cameraperson on a music video project is to capture footage and create shots that are as visually striking as possible. With music videos, there is no technical conventions previously set up that you must follow, you can do anything. Angles and lenses can be as extreme as you like them, which wont wear the viewer out as they only last for a few seconds in a three minute video.

Every shot must contain the maximum amount of information as they are shown in such a little amount of time. This means finding the best shots and lenses for every single shot.

Camera Operators are responsible for making sure that the camera and equipment are prepared for the required set-ups and ready for any last-minute problems and changes
This means placing the tripod in the right place, working out what lens is needed depending on the distance and type of shot required. The lens will then be attached and settings must be adjusted such as white balance, aperture and focus. On the blackmagic camera, which we will be using, there is a peak setting where the focused areas will have a green outline to show that it is at its most focused.

Once rolling, if a tracking shot, I will be responsible for panning/tilting the camera to follow the action as smoothly as possible, and carry out the director's visions.

