Final Design

We have decided to go forth with Amr's design. We are adequate with this, as we have particularly included similar designs to each other in our individual work. Amr has incorporated the snake into the artwork and placed an element of it onto the CD.
Additionally, he has included the same concept as mine, where we take a bird's eye shot of the artist lying down.

We like the idea of the mid-long shot used as the front cover, as the audience can see her full body. Her costume is the same as what she wore in the music video. This presents her star image to an up-and coming star. She must show her full image to gain attention of the audience.





We have organised a photoshoot in the photography studio with Nandi, Laura Kennedy and Laura Smith (makeup). We are going to use the same costumes as the florescent element in the music video. We will need a black background. We will also use a fan on her, so her hair and outfit shows some movement on the photo. This is a convention used on many photoshoots, to make the subject look powerful and 'god-like'. 

Once this is done, we will use photoshop to create the snake and add the text. We will play with saturations and different effects to enhance the artwork and make it more visually pleasing. 

