Feedback from website focus group

From our focus group, we learnt that our social media buttons were not clear to access. We thought about how to make it more user-friendly for the audience, and experimented with placing the icons around the homepage. We found that placing them in the bottom right corner maintains the aesthetic we wanted for all different internet browsers. One particular problem we found was that internet explorer did not support our fonts and layout. We attempted to compromise our layout to fit all, however we had no luck and therefore must warn our users that internet explorer is not supported.

We also added a lightbox to immediately hit the audience to check out her latest album Hallucinations as soon as they go onto the website. This is used in multiple real media products such as Ariana Grande's website, where the website redirects the audience to a lightbox selling merchandise and tour dates, before continuing to the main homepage. This enhances the synthetic image of our artist as she wants the audience to buy her album and create sales.

