Creating our website

We used WIX, a free online platform which allows us to use templates and add gadgets to create our website. We began by creating the homepage. We were inspired by Kelly Rowland and Mary J Blige's homepages as we thought that these were simple and effective.

We wanted to create a small slideshow presenting the singer's star image. However, as WIX doesn't support this feature for the background, I instead created a photoshop gif where the 5 images blend together.

I duplicated the image 10 times and changed the opacity of each one from 90-10%. Underneath each duplicated layer, I put a duplicate of the second image underneath. I then placed this into an animation and set the delay to zero, except the original image which I set the delay to 3.5 seconds. This creates an animation of the images blending together, revealing the second image. I continued this process with all the images. For the final image, I rounded it back to the first image to make a continuous gif.

We also decided to add the 'Hallucinations' album in the centre of the homepage, with the social media links directly underneath. This introduces the consumer immediately to the album as its the first thing they see and therefore generate sales. This was important for our artist as she is synthetic, thus focusing making money through her sales and star image. 

However, the links would not fit comfortably underneath the title, therefore we placed them at the bottom of the page. 

The design is simple and clean to not overwhelm the audience with information. This is similar to Mary J Blige's design where she equally puts her album title at the dead centre of the homepage to generate sales.

We used the Marzo font, as it was simple, clean and relaxing. It matched the pop R&B genre as it had an edge of fun and wasn't boring. We continued to use this for both titles and main bodies of text.

