Task 4: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

For my music video product, I created a prezi identifying the technologies I used in pre-production through to post-production and specifically focused on a select few technologies and how I used them. In summary, I used multiple technologies during my pre-production, production to post-production. Through the use of these technologies, we were able to operate these production stages smoothly and effectively whilst avoiding problems via communication, hardware and the online age.

For my website product, I created a screen capture video guiding you through the website and explaining the technologies I used from pre-production through to post-production. In summary, we used different software programmes to research and look into other artist's websites, and then creating our own using editing platforms such as Adobe Photoshop and WIX. The combination of these softwares allowed us to create a dynamic and engaging website which encodes our singer's star image and connection with her fans.

For my digipak I created an infographic to present my information of how I used technologies from pre-production through to post-prodution. In summary, we used a range of hardware and softwares to communicate in planning the photoshoot. This was a key element to our success as we organised a photoshoot via external people outside our group who were willing to help. 
