Evaluation Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

We embedded annotations of what technologies we used on our video. We first created a script to which we all contributed in what to say while Jess typed. I then copy and pasted them onto different annotations and applied them to specific areas in the film.

We used Adobe Premiere Pro to create the titles and assemble the sequence.

We used Adobe Audition for all of the sound effects. We added a diegetic dripping sound to create the effect of a prison like atmosphere.

We used a Sony FS100 and we used Prime lenses as well as Micro lenses throughout the process of filming.

We used a tripod throughout the day to get steady shots and smooth pans.

We used a Sennheiser directional microphone to capture sounds on the day.

We enhanced the lighting by changing the brightness and contrast for continuity throughout. We wanted to create a dull light, by using 4 lightbulbs which illuminated the set. We used an additional light to create a daylight effect by the door. We added a daylight fresnel light and a blue gel to light the padlock and connote freedom.

We sped up the pans to create panic, which shows the protagonist perspective.

We used reverb onto our sound in Adobe Audition to create metallic echoes. This is to make the sounds blend with the prison setting.

We assembled the sound track by layering different sound effects together. We increased the diegetic sounds further into the sequence to suggest the idea of time running out as the villain comes closer.

We used an additional light to create a daylight effect by the door. We added a daylight fresnel light and a blue gel to light the padlock and connote freedom.
