Evaluation Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

For this question I created a Soundcloud to explain the attraction of the film for our target audience


what pleasures can your target audience gain from the opening?

The reveal of the keys as the character sees them is exciting which wants the audience to continue watching the rest of the sequence.

Language and dialogue used is very colloquial, and has a sense of personal connection with the target audience, as the swear words used are commonly said in real life, but not very much heard in film or tv. It might come to as quite a shock to hear them so frequently in our thriller at first, but a lot of the audience can relate to what he’s feeling. 

The actor we used fits within the target audience, he also appeals as he’s attractive and young. This means the audience can relate to the character, as he is similar of age and personality.
the concept itself is very updated and modern. By using keys as a mind game instead of just a general prison cell scenario. 
The fact that the villain is coming closer and shooting people held in their prison cells, whilst playing mind games is very twisted and something that we would not traditionally see. The plot twist challenges normal conventions of a prison setting and gives an exciting plot device for the audience to want to learn more about. 

what type of film is this?

The sub-genre of our thriller is an espionage thriller, meaning spy thrillers. This generally includes action and psychology so the thriller is a combination of the three.
Other thrillers similar to this is the bourne legacy, the bond franchise, storm breaker, body of lies, salt, 

Bond in particular deals with a lot of close shaves, like the concept of our opening sequence

why does setting appeal to the audience?

The setting appeals to the audience as it's very ascetically pleasing, with all the keys nicely placed out despite it being a stressful situation. I think the setting is really cool as it’s really unique and artistic

It’s set in a prison, which is becoming an increasingly popular setting for tv and film. 
Some popular film and tv that are set in prisons include orange is the new black, prison break, escape from Alcatraz, and dead boss.  


the story is basically a spy who’s got himself locked up with some villains in a prison cell. BUT the villains are playing mind games with him. They install hundreds of keys on the ceiling with only one key that fits into the padlock on the door. the villains are coming to each cell and shooting down every prisoner, with every shot they are coming closer to our protagonist’s cell. this makes him panic and thus tries to find the right key
We end the scene with the spy placing of what he thinks is the right key and hear a gunshot in the title card.

In our sequence we only see the male protagonist spy, but we hear talking in the background and footsteps getting louder and louder. The footsteps are the villain which is obviously a threat to the protagonist, as he’s associated with panicking the character and the sound of a gunshot. therefore, even though we don’t see the villain, he still creates tension offscreen and builds a more dynamic narrative.

The narrative appeals to the audience as tension is created through the many holes in the narrative, which puts the audience on edge. The thriller ends on a cliffhanger, leaving the audience asking who is the protagonist, why is he stuck in the prison cell, who has placed him in the prison cell, was that the right key, and did he escape in time?

The opening sequence is not the very start of the film’s storyline. which means the narrative is not a linear order and the plot is shown in fragments, instead of chronologically.
The rest of the film would be watching the previous scenes of the storyline right up to that key scene. 

This means that the audience will not find out any of the previous questions they may have been asking themselves until much later on the film, so hopefully they would want to continue watching to find out. 

the social groups that we are appealing to are women through the male protagonist, we used a young, professional, emotional, attractive, man and in the end - he is  dominant too. but also we are appealing  to men through the action and panic of the scenario. The sounds of gunshots in particular are appealing to men, as it displays that there will be weapons and violence present in our thriller. 

We are appealing to a younger audience as it includes a lot of action and a non-linear narrative. The mystery and cliffhangers entice tension and makes the audience think about what is happening. 

How does music appeal to the audience?

we were going to use music but in the end we decided not to. The sequence is jam packed full of action and the sound effects are added to make the thriller even more exciting and tense. With music added, it would have broken the entire atmosphere of the film as there would be too much happening. 

how might titles appeal?

if we had the budget we would personally consider a masculine actor such as sam claflin or douglas booth to play the protagonist. 
The actor needs to look in his early twenties, masculine but not too masculine as stereotypically we wouldn’t see a really masculine figure break down during a close shave.
Or we could possibly have dylan o brien who was in the maze runner, which shares similar conventions of character and plot of our thriller
I would personally choose martin campbell to co-direct the film as he’s had experiences with  thrillers beforehand such as casino royale, the legend of zorro, green lantern, edge of darkness and no escape

What editing techniques you used that appeals to the audience?
we increased the pace to match the increasing panic of the protagonist - by having shorter shot durations, more cuts and faster shots like pans
the audience is feeling the same amount  of panic as the character all through out the sequence

conventions we used include:
tension, violence, panic, weapons, action, cliffhangers, suspense, hero, 

we used fast paced editing to represent the panic and action
the sound captured, such as the dialogue showed the violence and aggression the character felt 
we cut the ending to black to use a cliffhanger, adding suspense to the thriller
we challenged conventions of a strong male protagonist as we watch the character in distress under this extreme circumstance.
