Evaluation Question 4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

After conducting multiple interviews with people of different ages and genders: I have concluded that the target audience for our thriller is between the age range of 15-25. I found that this age range can handle the big amount of inappropriate language e.g swearing, and graphic scenes e.g. blood and gore. My thriller includes scenes displaying swearing, violence, weapons, blood, death and distressing scenes.

My thriller is set in a city, where the environment is busy and chaotic. My target audience generally work and therefore live near urbanised areas, which means they can relate to the setting and theme of the thriller. My thriller can also be categorised in the psychological espionage sub-genre. This may include new and current technologies and political issues. My target audience are very up-to-date with the current trends in technologies and the news.

The opening sequence features the concept of old fashioned keys to fit in an old-fashioned padlock. The protagonist, who fits in the same age range as the target audience, is clearly shown frustrated about the amount of old fashioned keys he must try in a very short period of time. My target audience may relate to this frustration, as they too would react if in the same situation with old fashioned keys.

My target audience consists of both male and female members. The males may relate to the protagonist hero, whilst the female may be attracted to the masculine figure.

My target audience may enjoy various physical activities such as:

  • Sports - football, rugby, tennis, basketball, baseball, boxing etc.
  • Movies - cinema films, television shows, thrillers, comedies, soaps, action, 
  • Clubbing - parties, raves, social clubs, 
  • Video Games, social media, sex and violence, action,

Older members within the age range may be working in offices and other occupations. This age is around 23-25. These members may be interested in political, economical and environmental issues within many different countries and cultures.

My target audience are highly educated. They will understand the storyline and motives behind the characters and plot. The story can be particularly confusing when technology is involved. I imagine the film to be demanding in terms of concentration. Older members of the audience may not be interested in the political issues and environmental factors that may underline the motives and plot of the film.

My audience can relate to the distress that the protagonist is going through in the film, as his younger sister is dying of a terminal illness. The audience understand the love for a child and the distress it would cause in order to protect them.

The audience may be from a wealthy background, as they are possibly willing to spend a small fortune on a cinema ticket. (approx. £10) The protagonist is equally from a wealthy background, so the audience can relate to his circumstances and character.
