Pre-production: props

Our thriller sequence storyline involves the villain's trick of placing hundreds of keys for our protagonist to rummage through and find the correct one - therefore to make this effective, we were in need of over 500 keys.

After some discussion, we decided the keys to be all antique keys. These will contrast well against the modern setting, and the camera will pick them up better than modern silver yale keys. We decided not to have a mixture of both modern and antique as it would not make sense to have an antique padlocks and yale keys in the mixture: the protagonist would realise that the modern keys will not fit the antique lock and therefore the whole "trick" concept will not be as effective.

We ordered a massive variety of keys from Ebay and Amazon, ranging We chose a large, bulky padlock, as we wanted to show that it would not be possible to break out without the key. 
We originally ordered 8 packs of these keys, however when they arrived they were incredibly tiny and especially as they were silver, they would not be seen on camera. We decided to return these and that all our keys would be gold. This means that the silver functional key will be spray painted gold to blend more into the mixture.

