Developing our idea

We started to consider how many keys exactly we would need. Effectively we wanted to fill the whole floor with keys, like the paper cup prank we wanted that daunting effect of him thinking that he's never going to find the right key in time. However we looked at our keys and how much we have already spent on just those keys, and realised that it would take thousands of keys to do that. Therefore we thought maybe to hang the keys on the wall, except this style would not be as effective as they are all neatly hung and out of the way. From this, we thought to perhaps hang them all from the ceiling with string. This will still create the daunting effect of a lot of keys without having to get thousands. We will put these keys onto fish string and tie them loosely so that our protagonist can pull them off easily. This will also give the effect that the keys are floating as the fish string is translucent. 

The paper cup prank - we wanted the keys to have the same effect as this

