
As we had decided to have the keys hanging from the ceiling, we began to discuss lighting in our video. We thought it would be quite effective to have a few lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling, additionally to the keys.
We thought about tying these into the story by considering them be the cause of the protagonist to panic and get frustrated. We discussed using sugar glass to perhaps have the lightbulbs exploding into the room, causing the protagonist to duck and hurry up - however this is very difficult and expensive to do so, furthermore we would have to buy many for each take. 

lightbulbs made of sugar glass

We then considered using the lightbulbs as a countdown - each lightbulb flickers off at equal intervals to show that time is running out. However this may not be clear and it would be difficult to film, particularly towards the end of the sequence when there would only be one light remaining, as it would result in lots of noise. 

