Feedback for our idea

Mike’s feedback:

After pitching our idea, we received some feedback that we will discuss and develop further.

Overall, Mike, whom we pitched to, thought our idea was original and generally very good. He liked the idea of using a maze as no one has filmed in a maze before. He let us consider these points:

Ø Filming in the dark – although filming in the dark would create the optimum level of atmosphere that we want, it is very difficult to technically film. The quality would nowhere near be as good as if we shot at day. We decided that we would shoot during the day with smoke machines etc. to make it creepy, and later edit the footage to make it more gloomy.
Ø Furthermore, as we would shoot during the day, we no longer needed the lantern idea. We discussed using something else such as a teddy bear for her to hold, however this would not be as effective and therefore we decided to keep the lantern.

Ø Mike also raised the issue of locations. Since there is no maze that is conveniently close to us, the issue of transport and distance was a major concern. However we did mention that we had called up the nearest mazes such as Hampton Court Palace and Hever Castle, requesting to film.

