Evaluation of Test Shoot

In preparation for our Thriller Sequence, we created a test shoot, to get a glimpse of what the developed final product may look like. In this shoot, we only included the vital shots that really convey the story; therefore we excluded any complex or establishing shots that we discussed using for the final product. We filmed on an Iphone 6S, around the campus in locations that looked similar to a maze. We also shot inside a bathroom to use the mirror, as we couldn't bring a mirror outside. I believe we successfully and clearly conveyed our idea of a girl being lost/trapped and someone is chasing after her.

I believe our idea has translated well to film, as it includes the conventions of a thriller. Despite being the basic foundation of our desired final sequence, it is already formed of discomforting shots and jump-scares. In particular, the slow pace of the shots are very effective as it creates the tension that we wanted the audience to feel. The slow pace of the extreme long shot creates the jump-scare of the feet appearing in shot, as it is unexpected. The total length of the opening sequence is fairly good, however, obviously the final sequence will be longer as we will include more shots.

The camera angles and movements we used were fairly good. They represented the type of shots that we would like to use. For example, the camera angled perpendicularly, to make a profile shot of the girl in the mirror is what we were considering using in the final product. Camera movement was a bit shaky, however this will not be an issue in the final sequence, as we will be equipped with tripods etc. Perhaps we could develop some shots, such as the first shot which is a close up - instead we could perhaps zoom in and create an extreme close up to add more discomfort and tension.

If we had more time to edit the shoot to perfection, I would completely remove some sound in the shot that we do not wish to have. I tried to reduce the sound, however it can still subtly be heard. In addition to this, we could perhaps have included more shots that we would like to try. This includes an establishing shot and perhaps one where she finds the mirror.

I believe that overall, the relationship between some of the shots and the tension created worked really successfully. Particularly the extreme long shot where the feet walk into shot. I believe this to have worked well as the sudden boom sound made the audience jump. I also believe that editing audio worked really well; we had many layers of different sounds, such as ambient sounds like the wind and the crickets, as well as pleonastic sound of the feet stamping on the ground. Together, these came together nicely to really establish the setting and themes of the film, whilst subtly underlaying the non-diegetic music.

