Building the set

Today we began to build the set. With Paul's help, we started by painting the ceiling flats grey. 

  • We then placed the 3 wall flats on each side of the door. And clamped it using G-clamps.
  • We then began to place the ceiling flats on top of the walls. Between each crack of the flats, we hung 2 lights equally. We some of them slightly shorter than the others to make the room look more complex.
  • The next step was to staple the breezeblock texture to the walls, and paint the top and bottom edges where the breezeblock missed. 
  •  We then began to staple the keys to the ceiling, we created a system where two of us would staple the keys with guns, one would untangle and hand us the keys, and then one would cut of the remaining strays of fish line. We hung them at different heights to create a better picture, and tried to distribute them as equally as possible.
  •  Our final step is to paint the floor grey. This we did overnight to leave to dry by morning.


