Group Idea

After presenting each member's ideas, we split into groups and began to discuss our final thriller idea. We debated about everyone's ideas, and finally decided to combine my idea of the mirror and Jess's idea of the maze and someone chasing the protagonist. We stuck with my general film idea that a young woman begins to have dreams of her death in 7 days (6 nights) and discovers that she is seeing visions. This film is of the psychological thriller sub-genre. 

  •   We created the idea that a young girl suddenly finds herself in a maze, she begins to explore further, unaware of a shadow following her. She then discovers a mirror located in the maze, she sees someone lurking in the background of the reflection. She turns around to see that no one is there. She turns back and sees that the shadow has taken over her reflection and looking right back at her. 
  • We have begun to consider details such as props, costume, setting and shot types. We all agreed that we would like the protagonist to be a young woman dressed in pyjamas and carrying a lantern. This is to give the sense that the sequence is all a dream. We thought it would be really effective to film using unique methods: such as using a drone, and a fast POV zoom shot following through the maze. 
  • We work together really productively, as we all contributed to the idea and discussed the overall plan with great detail. 

we took inspiration for the idea of the reflection being different to the protagonist; from this scene in The Woman in Black

Yew Maze at Hever Castle, Kent.
  • We also thought of our second idea, which had the same concept but with different locations. 

