Valentine’s day movie poster analysis

The viewer's denotation is initially a film poster called “Valentine’s Day” and many pictures of close ups of people altogether in a pink love heart. The background is black and the credits are in pink and blue.

Our first impression of this poster is that it’s an upbeat romantic comedy. The title itself “Valentine’s Day” refers to the annual celebration of love, and the images are bordered in the shape of a fun pink heart. Together, this determines to the audience of what genre and style the film will be. 

The font of the title and the credits are curvy, modern and colourful. Which emits a sense of happiness and fun. The actor’s credits are typed in blue, and the actresses are in pink. This represents the stereotype of blue being a masculine colour and pink for feminine. The blue and pink stereotype used here tell us that the film is simply about girls and boys, and there is no added dramatic twist to the story. 
The film has a crisp black background, which really emphasises the image of the heart and the text shown to us. The block colours of black, white, pink and blue suggest that it’s going to be a fun and simple film for the young audience that it’s targeting. 

There are multiple images all of different characters shown within the heart. Multiple images of different characters are commonly used in Romantic Comedies, to show that this film will not be focusing on just one story, and that there are no protagonists present. The audience will be introduced to many different stories and situations. Romantic Comedies such as ‘Love Actually’ and ‘New Years Eve’ typically go for this approach to show to the viewer that there are many different sides to love. This imaging feature is now so common with romantic comedies, that we have associated and conditioned the two together. So as soon as we see the multiple close ups, we immediately identify the genre to be a romantic comedy. 

 The images are all close ups of the characters, most of which are smiling; which suggests the happiness and light-hearted element of the film. However some characters (such as the characters played by Emma Roberts and Jamie Foxx) are not smiling, which may suggest a hint of tragedy and disappointment in the film. This intrigues the viewer as we realise that we will receive a variety of different scenarios. 

(This poster uses photoshop editing)

There is no advanced editing on this poster. The design is simple and realistic. No special effect editing has been used such as translucent layering. (For example, this feature is used in the movie poster of ‘The Lovely Bones’) This tells the audience that it is a naturalistic story with believable characters and there will not be any hidden agendas or spiritual elements. 

One key feature of every movie poster is the director and actor’s credits. This poster in particular really stands out to a wide range of people due to the amount of famous actors that star in the film. Famous actor’s such as Anne Hathaway, Ashton Kutcher, Julia Roberts, Bradley Cooper, Taylor Swift and Patrick Dempsey all appeal. The audience may be a big fan of one particular person or they may be think that the film will be good as it includes all these talented artists, therefore they will go and see the film. 

This advertisement feature is also used for directors. The poster doesn’t specifically name the director (Gary Marshall); instead, it mentions his other works. “From the director of Pretty Woman” People who have seen and loved Pretty Woman may be interested in seeing this film as they know it will be good and somewhat similar to what they know and love. 

