Summary of Conventions: (Used/Developed/Challenged)
- Dance Like we’re making love: Used technical conventions of close ups and long shots
- I Bet: Used technical conventions of extreme close ups and image manipulating editing (mirror effect)
- Just Fine: Developed conventions of Jump-cut editing, changed entire positions of artist and used editing style on dancers too.
- Say My Name: Challenged the conventions of immediately showing the singer by instead building anticipation
- Umbrella: Challenged conventions of showing the artist immediately, however developed the star image of mystery and sexiness through silhouettes
- Work: Used conventions of illuminated lighting to create a fun and engaging video
- Beautiful Liar: Used conventions of set design such as the poles surrounding the artist to depict them as confident and powerful in such a large design. Developed this to fit into our main theme of illuminated lighting by combining set and lighting together.
- Bootylicious: Used symbolic conventions of a simple but colourful set design, but developed this with darker colours to create a more mysterious video than Destiny’s Child’s. Seen in more modern videos such as The Weeknd’s Starboy. We challenged the conventions of colourful and light sets commonly seen in 2001, and updated them to a more modern convention. Additionally, challenged conventions of makeup and costume by instead using black and white costumes rather than bright costumes.